Dermal filler injectable treatments involve using hyaluronic acid or other substances to restore volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. Administered through injections, dermal fillers add plumpness to areas affected by aging, such as nasolabial folds, lips, and cheeks. The treatment is quick, minimally invasive, and provides immediate results, giving the skin a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Dermal fillers are versatile, offering a non-surgical solution for individuals seeking to address volume loss and fine lines and achieve a natural, refreshed look.

Volumize Lips. Plumping the lips might be today's most well-known use for dermal fillers.
Consult our registered nurse to understand more before making your appointment.
Tear trough filler is a cosmetic procedure to address the hollow or sunken area under the eyes. This area can develop due to aging, genetics, or other factors, often contributing to a tired or aged appearance.
Consult our registered nurse to understand more before making your appointment.
Cheek area injections typically involve dermal fillers to add volume and enhance the contours of the cheeks. This cosmetic procedure is commonly performed to address age-related volume loss, create a more youthful appearance, and improve facial symmetry.
Consult our registered nurse to understand more before making your appointment.
Treatment time & advised repetition:
Dermal filler treatments take 20 to 30 minutes per session.
Treatment procedure:
Aftercare instructions
This can be combined with the following:
- Any other therapies not contraindicated
Ideal for:
Volume up concerned area
Reducing wrinkles
Improving skin appearance
Hemorrhagic disorder 出血性疾病
Severe Diabetes 严重糖尿病
Hemostatic dysfunction 止血功能障碍
Herpes simplex 单纯疱疹
Autoimmune disease 自身免疫性疾病
Hiv 艾滋病
Epilepsy 癫痫
Bell’s palsy 贝尔麻痹(面瘫)
Pregnancy or breastfeeding 怀孕哺乳
Dermal Filler in 8 weeks in the area of treatment面颈部8周内的注射填充
Open wounds or lesions in the face or neck面颈部开放伤口和病变
Severe or cystic acne on the face or neck面颈部严重或囊性痤疮
Keloidal scarring 瘢痕疙瘩
Neuromuscular disorders (e.g., myasthenia gravis) 神经肌肉疾病(例如,重症肌无力)
Allergies to constituents of botulinum toxin products 对肉毒杆菌毒素产品成分过敏
Body dysmorphic disorder 躯体变形(不完美)恐惧症
Taking certain muscle relaxants and antibodies such as aminoglycosides 正在服用某些肌肉松弛剂和抗体(如氨基糖苷类)